Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Jerk-Face McGee and a Herd of Cattle


Let me start explaining this Tuesday by saying that everyday I wake up in Africa and I think, “Hmm, what will happen today?” Although I am beginning to fit into the rhythm of life here there is no set pattern yet. Every day is different, and things can go very well or very badly. Tuesday began pretty normally, but about halfway into my Journalism class things definitely went to the “very badly” end of things. So far in that class we have had a prof filling in and he just loves to talk about his own achievement and his time studying in England. In the middle of class he picked up a newspaper with a headliner in Setswana. My brain ticked off realizing that it couldn't comprehend. This is when Jerk-Face McGee said, “Erica, can you read this? Setswana Phrase.” Obviously I couldn't and everyone laughed uproariously. I pretty much just put my head down to hide. Then Jerk-Face continued with another jab, again more laughter, and this time I looked at him with the most murderous look I could muster. If the door hadn't been locked I would have just left. That's another, by the way, the doors are locked on both the inside and outside, so no one can use it without the code. HELLO FIRE HAZARD. After class my friend Diana from Botswana/Ghana came over and apologized about the incident even though it was clearly not her fault. She trash talked Jerk-Face McGee, which of course made me feel better.

Luckily the day got much better as I was able to make a run to the Riverwalk Mall for groceries and other supplies. I split off from the main group of five I was with and accomplished my shopping in record time. I got the coolest pants from Cape Union! Now I have cool pants from Ireland and Botswana. I also bought cards to send back home, a cool looking bottle of red wine from SA, and some much needed groceries. I got Gouda cheese! CHEESE I tell you! I also decided to try out the super creamy milk they produce here and let me tell you, I am tempted to just go onto a liquid diet of creamy milk and wine.

The day got even better when on the way home, Alexis and I came face to face with a heard of cows being run along the road by a couple of guys with sticks. We stared at the heard thundering toward us (obstructing all traffic) and thought for a silly moment, “What happens if we don't move?” We die, that's what happens. So we moved off to the side of the dirt path/sidewalk/ditch and watch the cows go past. It was awesome! I wish that would happen every day. Diana told me she once saw a warthog run past campus...

1 comment:

  1. CHEEEEESE!!!! I was so worried you would be cheese deprived in Africa!
